We had a leadership training this week and President talked about our callings as missionaries, and how they are a apostolic calling. Isn't that cool? The apostles calling is to spread the gospel all over the world, and since they can't do that 24/7 they call full time missionaries to do it. Ah! It was the coolest thing ever. Everyday I realize more and more the importance and significance of my calling.
This week we saw many miracles! We found 12 new investigators! 12! Wahoo!!:) The lord is for sure watching over us here in Newark! He is leading us to His children whom are prepared:) All your faith and prayers for sure helped too:) Such a miracle!:) man, Heavenly Father is so good to us:) I think of Mosiah 2:22 "and behold all that he requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land; and he never doth vary from that which he hath said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you." I know that as I am being exactly obedient the Lord is helping sister Barton and I "prosper in the land". I feel so blessed!:)
A huge birthday shout out to my cute cousin Sadie:) love you! And I wanted to thank you all who helped make my birthday so special:) all the videos and emails were just so sweet and you all have no idea how much it meant to me!!:) I am so lucky to have such amazing family snd friends!:) love you!!:)
were talking to some guy who told us he had a sword, so we asked to see it. He
really did haha!!
birthday morning!!:)
photo booth of course:) just call my mama Martha Stewart:)
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