Monday: Happy Columbus day! Ha so funny story.. I kept hearing
that it was Columbus day on Monday. When people told me this I just
assumed it was Columbus day as in a day to celebrate the city I am living in.
So I was really confused when libraries were closed and such. I was like wow
they must really be into the day to celebrate their city. Haha syke, it is
Christopher Columbus day! So shout out to him :) It was P-Day! Yay! I got
to write my family :) My mom as online so we got to really talk back and
forth it felt like I was just texting her :) It was nice cause I was able
to tell her how I am feeling cause I am having a hard time.. but she comforted
me and I know the Lord can help me through it :) After emails it was Zone
fun day! So we went to the chapel and played some fun improve games :) Oh
my goodness it was so hilarious. In one of the games I had to act like Bella.
Haha so I pretty much walked around with no emotion saying “Time passes” and “I
was irrevocably in love with him”. Oh my goodness it was so fun! My zone is
really cool. After that we went grocery shopping and Sister Horsley made us get
multi-grain bread. Yuck. But it is good to eat healthy I guess haha. She made us
hurry in the store though cause she had letters to write so I didn't really get
anything good at the store but that is ok :) I wrote some letters when we
got home then had dinner. We were waiting all day for Brother Flanders to call
us about getting our bed bugs worked out but he never did so we called him at
like 6 and he answers and goes “Oh.. Sisters..” haha he forgot. It is ok though
a few more nights won’t kill us :) So we went and visited some less
actives that night. None were home. Such a bummer, we rode our bikes a long way
for them! Ha but afterwards we came home and planned a little more for our
murder mystery game. During this time we were texting Ryan, and having a
DTR (determine the relationship) I hate those! We asked him if he thought this
church could be true. And he said his church is.. and that he keeps meeting
with us cause he knows we care about him and he doesn't wanna hurt our
feelings. :( We were so sad! We thought he was so close to baptism but I
guess not.. we decided we need to drop him. But we are waiting to do it in
person. It is like a legit break up, my heart is broken. We went to bed pretty
sad that night. But we know it is for the best.
Tuesday: Another big service day! We did service for Carmine
again and packed some more of her things. Her parents were hoarders so she has
so much random stuff from like the 60’s! I am not saying hoarding is good but..
she has some really cool vintage stuff like board games, and suitcases, and
just a whole bunch of vintage stuff. I really loved looking around! After we
went to Sister Howards to weed. Weeding isn’t too bad :( But we didn’t
finish so we are going back on Thursday. She fed us Panera Bread though!
Dang, I love that place, 10x better than Kneaders :) We went to go teach
Richard but he wasn’t home! Dang! I missed the last lesson with him cause we
were on exchanges but I am not too worried we will get to talk to him soon!
After we came home and kinda fell asleep for like 15 minutes.. haha. It was an
accident! But we really didn’t get a lunch so we figured it was okay
:) After that we headed out to see some former investigators. Can I just
say.. some people are so rude. Haha when people answered they very rudely
told us to not come back! I’m over it. After we had dinner at the Robinsons!
Such a nice couple! Did you know being a seminary teacher is a calling here in
Ohio? Well it is! And they are seminary teachers. Dinner was delicious and I
found out Sister Horsley wants to be a seminary teacher! She would be a good
one :) After dinner we ran to see Wesley. He is our neighbor. We met him
the other night and he didn’t seem interested at all but we thought we would
try to see him again. He answered the door and was totally expecting us! He has
no religious background and he is very open to know if there is a God. He has
many questions that is gospel can answer :) We only talked to him for few
minutes but we are going back to see him! Such a blessing! He is really cool
:) After Wes we planned some more of the murder mystery, planned, and went
to bed, haha with the bed bugs snuggled in with me :)
Wednesday: We had district meeting this morning and that is
always fun! Elder Hansen called us ahead of time and asked us to talk about a
Christlike attribute. Specifically humility and patience. Which is so funny
cause Sister Horsley and I were talking and decided we needed to study and work
on those a few days ago! So it was totally inspired :) So we went to the
district meeting, had lunch, and then had training. I will only have training
for like 7 more weeks soo I am getting there :) I am ALMOST not a trainee
anymore haha :) So we knew the bug guys were coming today to spray for bed
bugs but we didn’t know what time. Super frustrating! So we just kinda sat
around, waiting for them to come. We read scriptures and the Ensign and stuff
they finally came at like 4. We were waiting like 2 hours though not knowing
when or if they were ever coming! Haha but yay he sprayed for bed bugs! That
was exciting. Hopefully they are gone now, fingers crossed. Well, since that
took like forever we went out and saw a few people then went and had dinner
with the Storms, Brother Lynsky’s older sister! We had crepes!! She has a crepe
maker and we got to make our own crepe it was really fun. We had this chicken
alfredo stuff on the inside of it.. oh boy was it delicious! Then we got to
have a sweet crepe after! Mine had apples and cinnamon and stuff it was way
good. After dinner we went straight to our lesson with Steve. We taught him the
gospel of Jesus Christ. That man is the best non-member, member I have ever
met! Haha he follows the word of wisdom, law of chastity, all the things that
are usually a problem with people! And, he already knows basically everything
we were teaching him except the Plan of Salvation which we are teaching him
next time :) But he understood almost all of the gospel of Jesus Christ
and he read 150 pages of the BOM! I was shocked! He said he wants to read it
once all the way through then re-read it and ponder it the second time.
Whatever works for him, I guess. He is awesome! After that Sister Horsley
wanted a blessing so we went to the Flanders and got one. When she was getting
hers I felt I really needed one so I got one as well. I did really need it. It
encouraged me to keep going, and do what I am doing. It was a beautiful
blessing. The priesthood is such a blessing in our lives. So yeah that
was Wednesday! Hopefully there are no more bed bugs!
Thursday: Woke up bed bug free :) At least I hope.. haha
there are a lot of other fun bugs in our apartment though so don’t worry.. I am
never too alone :) We did our usual morning thing then headed out to try
and see Beth. She is a potential who we have tried to see like 10 times. We are
about ready to give up and of course when we went she wasn’t home! By that time
it was like lunch time so I had some good old mac and cheese then headed over
to the Howards to finish weeding their lawn! Weeding isn’t that bad! It is
actually kinda relaxing cause you get all your frustration out on the weed
:) Haha after Suey offered to take us to Graeter’s to get ice cream cause
we have had a hard week and he likes to make missionaries weeks better. He is
awesome. So in Ohio there are two ice cream places that EVERYONE is obsessed
with Graeter’s and Jenny’s. Both have really good ice cream, but it is like a
competition. If you like Graeter’s you can’t like Jenny’s and vice versa.
People here in Ohio are so funny with their obessions. Anyway, Graeter’s was
super delicious probably the best ice cream I have ever had! Mmmm. But we
talked to Suey about Ryan and asked what we should do. He agreed we should drop
him, but still be his friend and like hang out. Sister Horsley cringed at the
hang out idea haha. In our companionship I am the very casual go with the flow
one, and she is the very professional one. Haha she has a hard time being
casual so she counts on me for that one :) We got pretty pumped just like
ok ya lets just do it lets just go drop him. So we walked over to his house
unannounced and uninvited. He came to the front door and Sister Horsley just
like started laughing! She had no idea how to drop him haha she just looked at
me and was like “you are really gonna make me do this? I hate you!” Haha
:) Ryan and I thought it was funny eventually she spit it out and just told
him we think it would be best if we didn’t teach him anymore. She then put her
head down she was so embarrassed. Haha I could feel the awkward. So I just told
him we still care about him and we still want to see him and such! He was way
cool with it, considering he really didn’t wanna learn anymore anyway.. ha.
After we dropped Ryan (sad) we went to dinner at the Ostler’s. Her husband is
anti-Mormon so we knew this would be interesting. He used to be a strong member
in the church but things happen in life and now he hates it. She takes it well
though, she is very active still. We had tacos and legit their cat would not
leave me alone. He hopped on my chair and his tail was in my food and I am
allergic so that was fun.. And the Brother Ostler was talking to me about the
beer he was drinking. Very interesting dinner but very fun! They are a cool
family :) After dinner we went to teach Maun. He is Buddhist! He told us
all about his beliefs and it is very interesting. He wants to learn more though
about Jesus Christ and his life. So we got that one covered. Overall, we
didn’t get to teach much in the lesson but.. it was good to get to know Maun a
little better. We rode home after that and I got the cutest Halloween package
from my mommy :) Thanks mom I love you!:) It was filled with all this
Halloween candy and treats and stuff! I love me my candy :) It was a nice
surprise. Glad to know my family hasn’t forgotten about me :) haha. So
yeah.. that was Thursday. It was a fun day!
Friday: Such a crazy, crazy. Well it was temple day! Yay! We get
to go every 6 months I feel really blessed to have gotten to go at the
beginning of my mission! The Columbus temple is very beautiful, we live like 10
minutes away from it. The temple was amazing it was really peaceful, and I got
some answers to my prayers there as well so that is always a plus :) I am
so lucky to have a temple in my mission!! I love it! I know I only get to go
once every 6 months but hey, that’s better than nothing :) After we went
home, ate lunch and did the joyous weekly planning. It always takes forever. It
was weird not planning for Ryan! I am still bummed we had to drop him.. but oh
well. It happens. After planning we went to go see a less active family. They
weren’t home! So we just went home did daily planning and went to bed. It was
an exciting/boring day haha.
Saturday: I was beat by the end of Saturday. We made plans
to go help Sister Hellwig clean her house she is selling so we had to ride our
bikes to her house. It is already a 30 minute ride, and pretty much up hill the
whole so it is a hard ride and the wind was really bad. Saturday, it was
like the wind by my house! Oh my goodness.. It was the hardest bike ride of my
life. I thought my legs were going to fall off! We stopped to take a rest and I
just collapsed in the grass my legs hurt so bad. But, we had to keep going. I
felt like the pioneers haha just had to keep persevering! We got to Sister
Hellwigs and after of riding for an hour.. and they offered to get us Chipotle!
I was pretty excited :) I swear.. everyone in Ohio is so obsessed with
Chipotle it is insane. We helped her clean for like 3 and a half hours. She had
a lot to do but it looked nice by the time we were done! We were glad we could
help her. But her house is haunted. Legit. She told us some freaky stories so
Sister Horsley and I were freaking out a little when we were in the dark
basement.. it was dark and the lights kept flickering off! Gah it was creepy
but I lived no worries :) After that we rode to go see Richard and he was
home!:) He wasn’t feeling well so we scheduled another time to visit with him.
On our ride home Sister Horsley was like I really need to go to the bathroom at
Target so we stopped there. We went to the bathroom then she was like “follow
me.” I was really confused but whatever I follow where ever she goes she’s my
trainer it’s what I do! Haha. She took us back to the grocery part and she was
awkwardly looking at cookies and cupcakes it looked like she was trying to
decide which one to get but I wasn’t sure. So I asked “What are you doing? What
do you want?” and she was like “What do you want?” and I was like “What does
that even mean?” Then she said “Surprise! You have been here in Ohio for a
month!” I totally forgot! Haha it is so crazy I have been here for a month!
Where has time gone? The days are long.. but the weeks are fast. So, we ate our
cupcakes and celebrated!:) It was a good time. After we went home and had
dinner. We both laid in our beds for a while though cause we were both so
exhausted. Then Sister Flanders called us and asked us to do her a huge favor.
She needed us to go get Mountain Dew for her cause she is cooking us
dinner tomorrow and that is one of the ingredients! We told her of
course we would :) There was no way we were riding our bikes.. so we
called Sister Zimmerman and she was totally willing to drive us. So we went and
got some “pop”. Haha people in Ohio call soda pop. It is so weird to me! When
we go home we went out to see Brother Wright. He was home and we talked to him
for a bit. He is less active and we want to get him coming to church again! He
is way cool. After that we went home and did weekly planning, then went to bed.
We were so tired. But it was a good day!
Sunday: The morning started off with church. Church is always a
good time, especially on a mission. We had some good lessons. After church we
went to the mission home to talk to President. I ate a lunch on the way over
but when we got there Sister Daines set out all these treats to munch on and I
couldn’t resist. I ate way too much but it was delicious :) We spent a few
hours there then headed to our lesson with Wes. The Hammonds met us there and
the lesson went so great! Wes is so awesome. We invited him to
church Sunday and he said he would come! We also taught him how to
pray and asked him to pray, and he totally did. I cannot tell you how
incredible it is so hear some pray to their father in heaven when they haven’t
really ever done it before. It was such a special moment. After our lesson with
Wes we met some neighbors. None were really home but we met a few. None of them
were interested in the gospel though. Maybe one day!:) We had dinner with the
Flanders and it was so delicious! We had these apple dumplings which were to
die for. So so good. I was still full from the mission home snacks when we went
to dinner but I still stuffed my face with food at dinner so no worries
:) We got home and went to visit the Hobbs who are less active, but of
course no one answered so we just went home. It was a good Sunday. Our
lesson with Wes was the highlight though.
has been getting cold here in Ohio! I hear it is pretty warm in Utah. I am
jealous. The winter here is supposed to be worst than last winter.. which was
the worst winter they have had in 30 years! Yay.. haha. Love you all so so
much! Have a good week!
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The Zone! How I love them. |
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They Hayden Run Missionaries. They are also our zone leaders! We love our area and our ward :) |
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We love temple day! |
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I have been in Ohio for a month! Cupcakes are the best way to celebrate :) |
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This is Ryan! We took this after we broke up with him haha. He doesn't seem to sad about it. |
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