First miracle: Sister Meyers and I did not get transferred!! WAHOOO! We were literally jumping for joy!!:) This is her last transfer so I will yet again kill someone off... I guess I am really good at that haha:) I am so grateful to be her companion still. I LOVE HER!!
We found many new investigators this week! People who are sincerely interested and wanting to change! There is a less active member whom we have been going to visit a while. Her grandson has never taken an interest. We asked him if he wanted to learn more and he said no, that he did not believe in God. We went over a few days ago and read out of the Book Of Mormon with this member and her grandson was listening intently. He then began to ask questions about God and about being forgiven. The words from the Book Of Mormon softened his heart and he is now taking the lessons and came to church on Sunday! Him and his Grandma! It was his first time ever at church.. And he prayed for the first time ever in our lesson. I can just picture Heavenly Fathers face just beaming above as his son spoke to him for the first time in his life. I am grateful to be apart of this experience.
I love this time of year. Yesterday I gave a talk in sacrament meeting on light. There are so many lights this time of the year! It's beautiful. And we get to celebrate when the Light of the World was born. His birth changed everything. It changed the world. Because He was born we are able to return to the Father. We are able to be healed. We are able to find joy. The significance of his birth blows my mind. I am grateful for the birth of my older Brother, Jesus the Christ.
I have come to realize why there is that Christmas spirit this time of year, and the magic of Christmas. It is because more people in the world are turning their hearts towards Christ, and remembering Him. The spirit of Christmas is Him!
I hope you all have a Merry CHRISTmas this year, and remember the true reason for the season!!:)
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